Because our ancestors often risked their life during each fight. Therefore, they had a acute awareness of what a good harness should be or should not be. They knew what they were doing while choosing this or that form of protection. Walking in their shoes is simply trusting their experience. All great jousters in the world have made the choice of absolute historicity. This is not only because of the beauty of the armour… but also because it is objectively safer and more efficient !
Safer : There is a good reason why there are far less accidents among historical jousters than among other jousters. Risk 0 does not exist but a historically accurate armour will significantly reduce it.
More efficient : you just need to handle a real museum original to understand in one second how 90% of modern reproductions are ridiculously poorly articulated compared with original harness.
The best armor is not enough to make a great fighter. But asking a tournament champion to fight in a low cost armour is like asking Schumacher to win the “Grand Prix de Monaco” in a Clio or a Lada ... To create victory, you need a champion AND a good equipment. A pilot needs an excellent Formula-one racing car to expect to win ... you, you need an excellent armour.
So if you feel that your current armor limits your performance and prevents you from reaching victory ... It is time to try one of our models !